22 Feb 2015

Cleaning Rabbit Dishes

We must clean our rabbit bowels about every week to keep all the gross stuff growing in our salad dishes.

The rabbit society recommends to use ceramic, stainless steel, or any bowl/plate that doesn't scratch. Fungus can grow in any scratches in bowls, making cleaning a bigger task.

Good ways to clean your dishes and help you rabbit stay healthy:

  1. Soak dishes in hot water
  2. Clean the dishes like you would with any other dishes of yours
  3. Stick into the dishwasher
I know that my mom doesn't like it when I use the kitchen sink to clean my rabbit dishes. My solution was, to wash them in the bathroom sink.

If you have any times where you aren't allowed to use "human" stuff with "rabbit" stuff, you can find another sink or container to sanitize your dishes for your bunny!

Some places to wash those rabbit bowls are:
  • Outside
  • Washroom
  • Basement
  • Bucket

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